#3: BOOK CLUB – Letters From A Stoic – (Podcast) The Nik Ingersoll Show
#3: BOOK CLUB – Seneca The Younger, Letters from a Stoic
The Nik Ingersoll Show Podcast
Download The Nik Ingersöll Show Podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast…
This particular school of Hellenistic philosophy: Stoicism. It was founded in Athens, Greece by Zeno of Citium in the 3rd century BC. The most famous practitioners include Seneca and Marcus Aurelius. The unique thing about Stoicism is that it says virtue should be based on personal behavior, rather than words. We cannot look to external sources for our success or failure or happiness or sadness because it is indeed out of our control as humans.
Stoicism reminds us of the chaos in the world, to take the chaos in and use logic to navigate through the turbulent seas of life. The part of Stoicism that stands out from other philosophies is that it encourages action, not waxing poetic.
Since the ancient Greek, the core tenants of Stoicism continues to be practiced by high performers around the world.

#1: Jane Lee – Launch Pop – (Podcast) The Nik Ingersoll Show
#1: Jane Lee – Launching Brands, Psychedelics & Entrepreneurship
The Nik Ingersoll Show Podcast
Download The Nik Ingersöll Show Podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast…

Podcast Conversation : Real Leaders Podcast On What It Takes
Real Leaders Podcast Interview
? @ingersollnik
Listen to the Real Podcast Interview Episode 24: Nik Ingersoll, serial entrepreneur. Kevin and Nik chat about everything from growing up in Western Nebraska to the key to internal motivation.

BevNET Podcast Taste Radio : Why Package Design Is Everything

Taste Radio Podcast Interview
? @ingersollnik
Package design is everything.
Nik Ingersöll spends a lot of time thinking about ugly bananas.
The Co-Founder & CMO of Barnana, one of the fastest growing food startups selling snacks made from imperfect and misshapen bananas. Ingersöll is responsible for the brand’s birth, branding and marketing strategy. In other words, he gets people stoked about snacks that are hard to describe and strange to look at. He has been recognized for many of his efforts for bold packaging and quirky guerilla marketing tactics, including a Barnana Car.
On this episode, Taste Radio interviews Ingersöll about how Barnana has won the hearts and minds of consumers. He has done this by using a unique style that is hell bent on grabbing their attention from the first time they come into contact with Barnana.
“[When] that consumer is going to see that product for the very first time, they’re going to see the front of the package,” he said. “And if you don’t capture that, nothing else matters. Because they’ll never pick it up, they’ll never put it in the cart.”
Ingersöll also talks about how Barnana determines what to include on front of packaging. He explained his perspective that brands have to take risks to move the market. He also talked about how he balances internal feedback about design from investors, board members and co-workers.
Spoiler alert, most of it doesn’t matter.

One Big Mistake : Interview on Entrepreneur Magazine
One Of The Biggest Mistakes That Food Entrepreneurs Make
? @ingersollnik
My Interview on Entrepreneur Magazine Live
Clip of my discussion on @entrepreneur live about where I think the importance lays between a company’s mission vs. their products for food entrepreneurs.
One of the biggest mistakes that I see food entrepreneurs make are founders becoming super romantic about their mission of giving back, building wells, their specialized nutrients, etc. etc. and not focusing on taste. This is a critical mistake. Taste simply must come first.
Without focusing on the taste of your product, your mission will end in failure. Because if your product tastes like shit then no one will buy it. If no one buys it, then there is no mission because you’re out of business.
No matter how healthy your product is or how giving your mission is – it simply does not matter if no one eats what you make. I see this mistake repeated every year at #ExpoWest like clockwork.
Focus on taste first, then focus on your brand ‘s social story. That way both will succeed.
Mission is important. After all, Barnana is a B Corporation, upcycles bananas, builds water wells in the Amazon Rainforest, only makes organic products and has sustainability as a core tenant of ours.
However, if that is all that you are focused on you will go bankrupt.
The worst way to make your mission succeed in food is to focus on it too much.
The scale at which your sales can reach propels the mission to crazy heights.
My generation, the Millennial generation, of entrepreneurs are wooed by social causes.
This is amazing in many ways, but also creates the pitfall of only caring about that.
Happy creating! Let me know what you think in the comments below ??